Workplace Management
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Businesses Opting for Smart Receptionists. Are You?

Smartphones to smartwatches to smart glasses: intelligent technologies are touching every aspect of our lives. Amazon’s smart assistant, Alexa, has entered our bedrooms singing a lullaby to setting the alarm, fetching the name of the singer whose tune you’ve just been humming to sharing the step by step recipe of the dish you’ve been wanting to make for a while. Philips has already introduced smart lighting to our homes that identifies moods. Google is further expanding the smart horison with Google Assist, that goes a step further with its capability to make calls,  fix appointments and understand complex dialogues. This shift is altering the psycho-social behaviour, more importantly of the millennial generation that in turn is bringing about a transformation in the office space too. Their expectation of a perfect office is bred by their comfort with the latest technology that they are used to in their personal lives.

According to an interesting study by Dell & Intel, 42% millennial employees say that they are willing to quit their jobs if the technology is not up to their standard and cannot improve the quality of their work-life and provide the productivity benefits. The research shows that new technology is having a significant impact on employee expectations and the workplaces that neglect to embrace these advances are going to become dinosaurs. This makes adoption of employee-friendly tech-trends a business-critical opportunity for companies that understand the power of its workforce.

Personal Android?

The day is not far when a robot will be your personal assistant, your virtual receptionist and also your company’s security manager. In fact, such possibilities are already being explored. The Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has developed a robot that can comprehend the personality, moods, and emotions of visitors. The humanoid robot is friendly, shakes hands and greets guests while looking them in the eye. She even remembers the name of people she meets and the previous conversations she has had with a person.

Alternate Solution?

We might have to wait a little longer to see the widespread acceptance of such technology and the enhanced smartness that is expected out of it, but the industry already agrees that AI, machine learning and Automation can solve our problems around threat-prone & mundane access management & visitor management process at offices. Smart visitor management systems like Veris, have the capability to operate as a virtual receptionist. This millennial-friendly software is capable of recording & validating the information provided by all visitors, capturing their pictures, automatically intimating the employees on the arrival of their guests, triggering notifications to all in case of an emergency and keeping a bird’s eye view of all visitor movement by generating real-time and advanced analytics. Companies like EY, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bharti Realty, DLF, Interglobe,  British Council etc have already adopted Veris to smart manage their visitors & make their offices more secure for their employees and tenants.

Moving beyond the reception

This technology to be a success, needs to move much beyond the reception & into the lives of all employees, mostly so they can benefit from the system’s efficiency. Keeping this in mind, Veris offers a mobile app that enables all employees to schedule meetings, extend geo-tagged invites to visitors, authorise visitors to gain access within the premise, share wifi credentials etc. This also limits the time employees are required to spend on mundane calls in coordinating for a visitor’s smooth entry within the premise. Veris app also doubles as a digital ID for all employees now allowing them to use their own phone as an access card through various entries and exits within the company. This works particularly well in extremely secure facilities like Mercedes Benz that has adopted Veris for the extensive authorisation workflows that the system offers.

Adoption of emerging tech will protect the warmth of human interactions by eliminating all mundane conversations by building functional workflows that activate at the click of a button. Veris is doing just that for many organisations in India. Are you ready for this smart shift?

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