Workplace Management
Space Management

Transform Your Brand Experience Using Visitor Management

What is the one thing that makes your business stand apart from the rest? It is your brand value. And, how do you establish this brand value in the minds of your clients and associates? The first and foremost way to do so is to give them the ultimate experience right from the time they reach your office; sometimes even before!

How to make an unforgettable impression on your visitors?

People make their first impression within seconds of walking in through the front door. So, it all needs to begin right at your doorstep. The way organizations greet visitors, whether they are star job candidates, vendors, important clients, prospective partners or even foreign delegates, speaks a lot about the organisation and its culture.

In this world, where everything is getting increasingly digitized, corporate cultures are recalibrating their values to a more human-based culture, rather than taking a profit-centric approach. In short, how well do you treat your visitors when no one is looking?

Interestingly such human solutions lie within digital transformation itself. The Veris Visitor Management System allows companies to modernize their front desks, welcoming visitors in an easy and efficient manner, while giving them a sleek lobby experience.

How Veris Visitor Management System could help?

Suppose you are expecting a client for a meeting on a regular office day. Here’s how the Veris visitor management software will help you create a great impression on your client.

Scenario #1

Send invitations to your clients: The system allows you to send invitations, informing your client about the date and time of the visit on their mobile phones. This invitation contains links, where they can pre-register themselves for the visit; in short, a web check-in. The message also contains GPS coordinates to your office, so that they can reach your premises with ease.

Communicate with them: parking instructions, WiFi access & more
You might also wish to send parking instructions and guest WiFi credentials, so they can complete the meeting in the defined time, without any unnecessary delays. With our pre-registration feature; your front-desk executives will be pre-informed of your guest’s arrival ensuring a VIP welcome!

By providing guests with the option to web check-in, you offer them the chance to skip long queues at the entrance. All they need to do is provide their QR code (sent in the invitation) and voiala…it’s done!

Scenario #2

They come to the reception area and find a sleek iPad-based check-in system. The screen is customized with your logo, brand message and even pictures. The client checks-in and you immediately get a notification on your mobile. Either you ask the receptionist to guide them in or you receive them yourself.

In most offices, visitors face a frustrating proposition of first dealing with a busy receptionist, who is trying to multi-task, then wait to fill in their details in a register and later try to find their way to the specific location of the meeting. The end result is that the visitor is already in a bad mood by the time they reach you.

All this can be easily avoided with a smart visitor management system like Veris. Not only does it allow easy check in and check out, but it also generates emergency alerts to all mobile phones within the premises, in case of a situation that might need evacuation. And, to ensure high levels of security. As soon as your client enters the office premises, the security personnel are able to get a real-time view of their movement and get alerts in case they overstay.

Scenario #3

Auto fetch for recurring visitors.
You have had a good meeting with your client, who is already impressed by you & and your office culture. Now, this client will possibly visit your office several times in the future. In that case, the system already has provisions for auto-filling information of regular visitors. All visitor data will be stored securely on the Veris cloud, along with their personal details and photos.

The client will be able to check-in easily through the system. This software can be customized to provide unique brand messages to prospective customers. In case they forget to check-out, the software has provisions for force checking-out after a pre-defined time period.

Through the visitor management software, you will be able to create a favourable first impression on your visitors. But, remember, impressing clients is not only up to a visitor management system. Investment in things like office décor, self-serving coffee counters or refreshment options and polite and courteous office staff are important too but surely the Veris visitor management system is the first.

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