
Enhance Visitor Experience with Veris Web Check-In

A strong brand is a powerful asset. No wonder then that larger companies spend more than 10% of their annual revenues on branding, according to a study by Gartner. While the importance of branding remains, what has undergone a massive change is the way brands wish to be perceived, says an article by the Harvard Business Review. From being a brand that people look up to, companies now want their brand to be associated with increased convenience, or the perfect answer to a customer’s most important barometer today – “Does it make my life easier. The focus has shifted from selling a commodity to creating an experience.

This is one of the key drivers of the growing adoption of visitor management softwares in India. After all, your front desk is your first line of defence & impression management! Veris, a leading Visitor Management solution providing a red-carpet welcome to guests.

As Smooth as Silk

Your visitors are greeted by the Veris self-serving kiosk. The visitor can check-in on an iPad, rather than filling up a logbook or dictating their details to a receptionist. The interactive Veris software creates a much better user experience than a logbook or even a receptionist, who on the best of days may be slow in understanding all your details and painstakingly typing them in. The Veris kiosk also standardizes what every visitor experiences, rather than leaving this to the mood of the receptionist and other human inefficiencies.

Could It Be Any Faster?

The Veris cloud-based visitor management system allows employees to pre-invite visitors. This shares a QR code with the visitor, which becomes their digital ID and enables an express check-in.

A feature that makes Veris stand apart from other visitor management systems in India is web check-in. When an employee opts for this, the visitor receives an invite along with a web check-in link. The visitor can then fill in most of the details even before reaching the office for the meeting. And, they can do this anytime and from anywhere… even while travelling in a cab for the meeting!

This option allows the visitor to pre-fill 70% of the information required at the front desk. Now the person simply needs to get his picture clicked, sign an NDA and voila! That’s what we call instant check-in!

What’s more, the details need to be entered only on the first visit. Following this, the system already has the details and one needn’t bother entering them on every visit.

Customization at Your Fingertips

Veris is all about making it easier! This is what makes it a popular visitor management software in India. It offers a high degree of customization, that too achieved in a flash. You can have an attractive welcome screen, add your brand logo and choose colors. You can easily customize the visitor information you wish to capture. And, you can add or delete screens very easily. All the options are there. You simply need to drag and drop them.

Wait! That’s not where the customization ends. When a meeting is being scheduled, one can check which meeting rooms are available, select an appropriate one depending on the number of attendees, include the details of all the attendees and even select which beverages will be served to them.

Your guests then have a wonderful experience, rather than having to get into a queue at the reception area or wait for a meeting room to come free.

That’s what we call a truly red-carpet welcome!

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