Enhance Teamwork Using Hot Desking Software

The most common form of collaboration is with team members themselves. These collaborations at the very basic level are the foundation of an organization’s success. We will see in this article how Hot Desking helps foster this collaboration in the return-to-work hybrid setup.

Where are my Friends?

A hybrid space where the same desk is used by different people at different times can lead to your employees having to sit in unfamiliar surroundings. This can result in an environment where they are uncomfortable and incapable of collaborating. Veris Hot Desk booking software has a simple easy-to-use feature to solve this issue. For every “where are my friends?!” that your employees ask we have a “find your friends” feature

How this works:

  • Open the Veris Hot Desking app
  • Click on the search tap
  • Type friend’s name
  • Select through the results
  • The map will open showing where the friend is seated; the friend’s location will blink on the map
  • Check the availability of seats next to your friend

Now your employees are comfortable and happy! The entire process will take the employees less than a minute!

Setup Dedicated Space for Co-functional Teams

If you have been managing a hybrid workplace for a while you must have come across a situation where you felt things were cluttered because of limited space. Imagine a scenario – Multiple members of a team are coming to the office on the same day, but they end up sitting at far-off places.

  • Despite being in office, they are actually not sitting together.
  • When they are not sitting together, they can’t easily share information and ideas.
  • This will result in productivity taking a hit and an overall bad experience for your employees.

Now let’s see what Veris Hot Desking’s Smart Booking Rules feature can do to solve these issues: Designate entire areas to one specific team, Manage their schedules, and have Live information at your fingertips to make sure everything runs smoothly.
This is your ultimate collaboration tool.

Cross Collaboration

Now that we have seen that Hot Desking can make sure friends and the team can sit in the vicinity and collaborate, let’s see how it can help cross-collaboration with different teams and people. In a hybrid workspace, one team may come one day and the other team may come the other day, or they might only come when required. This creates a lot of new permutations and combinations. This of course helps in collaboration but it also creates a melting pot. Results? Your workspace experience becomes more rewarding. People from all departments get to know each other. This makes approaching people and cross-collaboration all that easier.


We may not think about safety immediately as soon as we think about collaboration but it plays a huge part. Just as a thought experiment, think about where you will feel safer collaborating, in an environment where you know everyone is healthy and safe or in an environment where you are unsure. Obviously the first scenario. How then can the Veris Hot Desking app ensure everyone’s safety? The Employee Health Status feature allows you to capture heath and vaccination status regularly. Ensuring that you give your employees a workplace which has no health threats.


Hot Desking not only offers a solution to make a return to work easy but also brings with it a plethora of new collaboration opportunities. It makes sure that even in the hybrid set up collaboration would not be hampered. It not only ensures collaboration but also makes it fun. Hot Desking is here to stay, it’s better to embrace it in a full-fledged manner by adopting industry-leading Hot Desking systems like Veris Desks.

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